
About Me
Learning About Running Your Own Business

Hello everyone. Welcome to my site about running your own business. My name is Neil Gregory. When I was attending a local university, I wanted to learn all I could about local startup companies. From there, I developed a working knowledge of small and large company operations. I studied everything from small family-owned companies to large global corporations. I will talk about the different setups you can use while running your own business to help you get started. I will also share information about the tools and techniques that help businesses thrive in a competitive market. Thanks for visiting my site.


Essential Moving Supplies You’ll Need For Your Upcoming Move

25 June 2017
 Categories: Business, Blog

Stock up early on all the moving supplies you'll need so you can pack up boxes when you get a few minutes here and there. Start packing a few weeks or months before moving day and you'll spare yourself a lot of stress and frantic packing when the time draws near. Having the right supplies makes packing much easier. Here are a few of the essentials you need: Packing Tape Read More …

3 Ways To Dispose Of Old Car Batteries

25 June 2017
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you are in need of a new car battery for your vehicle, one thing that you might be thinking about is how you are going to get rid of your existing battery. After all, you probably don't want to keep it just sitting around in your garage, but you probably don't want to make the mistake of disposing of it in the wrong way, either. It is true that it's generally not a good idea to just throw your old car battery in your garbage can if you want to avoid environmental problems and fines from the company that picks up your garbage. Read More …

3 Signs You Should Have Your Janitorial Service Come Out More Often

25 June 2017
 Categories: Business, Blog

When you hire janitorial services to come out and clean your office, you may be asked how frequently you would like for the crew to come out. You can choose to have someone come out once a month, once every two weeks, once a week or even more often than that. Many people have a tough time deciding exactly how frequently they should have their office professionally cleaned, and it does vary from office to office. Read More …

Improving Security And Accountability Of Your Company With Photo ID Cards

24 June 2017
 Categories: Business, Blog

No matter what size your company is, being accountable, managing employees, and managing the security of your information is critical to success. While it might not seem that important to a small company, if you don't have a grasp of this now, you may find yourself in a situation where you have to try and catch up as you grow. How can photo ID cards help? There are several ways.   Read More …

Cooperating During A Fire Investigation And Taking Precautions To Protect You And Your Staff During A Future Fire

24 June 2017
 Categories: Business, Blog

If a fire broke out in the warehouse that you own and operate and an investigation is underway to determine the cause of the fire, the following tips will assist with providing the team of investigators with information that will help them locate the root of the problem. If the building only suffered minor fire damage and can be restored, take measures to ensure that you and your employees remain safe if subjected to another fire in the future. Read More …